Education (select)
2011 PhD (Geography), University of Melbourne, Australia
2007 MA (Geography), McGill University, Canada
2004 PostGrad Dip. (Development Studies), University of the South Pacific, Fiji
Research Positions (select)
2016 -
Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science, College of Marine and Environmental Science, James Cook University, Australia
2016 -
NatureNet Research Fellow (Adjunct), University of California-Los Angeles, USA.
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science, College of Marine and Environmental Science, James Cook University, Australia.
Grants & Awards (select)
2017 (In Review)
Vidi Grant, “New Geographies of Forest Change, Development and Conservation in Latin America”, €800,000 over 2016-2021, Dutch Research Council (NWO). Co-investigators: Frans Bongers, Martin Herald, Miguel Martinez Ramos.
Research Grant, "Improving Community Fire Management and Peatland Rehabilitation in Indonesia", $120,000 AU over 2017-2021 (component of ~$4.6 multi-institutional grant), Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, grant FST/2016/144. Primary applicant and collaborator: Luca Tacconi, with Sam Grover, Grahame Applegate.
Research Grant, “New Tendencies in Tropical Forest Transitions”, $12,000 USD over 2017, PARTNERS Research Coordination Network Funded by the National Science Foundation of the USA. Co-investigators: Tom Rudel, Ricardo Grau.
NatureNet Research Fellowship, “New Geographies of Forest Change, Development and Conservation in Latin America”. $160,000 USD over 2016-2017, University of California at Los Angeles with The Nature Conservancy
Research Grant, “Latin America’s New Forests: Geographical Patterns, Novelty, Drivers and Implications for Biodiversity”; $10,800 USD over 2015-2016, PARTNERS Research Coordination Network Funded by the National Science Foundation of the USA. Co-investigators: Ricardo Grau, T. Mitchell Aide, and David. P. Edwards.
Collaborative Research Grant, “The Changing Land-Use Trajectories of El Niño Fire Events in Borneo, 1980-2010”, $27,147 USD over 2013-2014, The Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Co-investigators: Bruno Locatelli.
Research Grant for Investigation and Development – International Collaboration, “Forest Regeneration in Panama since 1980: Corroboration, Causes, and the Pathway Towards a Forest Transition”, $65,000 USD over 2009-2012, The National Secretary for Science, Technology and Innovation, Panama. Co-investigator: Francisco Herrera.