Select Publications (see all)
Carbon-emission intensity from projected deforestation (top) and a conservation scheme reducing future emissions by 25% with minimal agricultural costs (bottom), Western Panama (Global Environ. Change, In Prep.)
Strategic Conservation
Conservation activities proceed with limited social license, political will, and economic resources. This research theme assesses trade-offs entailed by 'real world' conservation and defines conservation schemes with 'optimal' spatial, economical, and social dimensions at national scales.

Previous Research
Conservation 'additionality' and political-economic rational of Indonesian moratorium on new agricultural and logging concessions
Efficacy of Indonesian moratorium at preventing forest-carbon emissions given legacies of historical peatland disturbance and forest-conversion zoning
Current Research
Efficiencies of REDD+ forest emission-reduction schemes promoting and preventing voluntary forest conservation by landholders induced by economic incentives
Focus Areas
Latin America
Coming soon...