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 NB. ‘IF’ refers to a journal’s impact factor / five-year impact factor.


* ∞ Wilson, S.., Grau, R., and Shelhas, J., Nanni, S, and Sloan, S. Forthcoming. The ecological dimensions of the forest transition. Ecology and Society. (IF 3.5 / 4.7)


* Wijedasa, L., Sloan, S., Clements, G.R., Lupascu, M., Evans, T.A. In Press. Carbon emissions from peat forests will continue to increase despite ambitious REDD+ program. Nature Climate Change. (IF 17.5 / 19.5)


Sloan, S., Bertzky, B. and Laurance, W.F. In Press. African development corridors intersect key protected areas.  African Journal of Ecology.  (IF 0.9 / 1.7)


Locatelli, B., Lavorel, S., Sloan, S. Tappeiner, U., Geneletti, D. In Press. Archetypes of trajectories of ecosystem services in mountains. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment (IF 8.5 / 10)


Sloan, S. 2016. Tropical forest-cover gain and interactions amongst agents of forest change. Forests 16(3): Article 55. (IF 1.6 / 1.7)


Rudel, T., Sloan, S., Chazdon, R., and Grau, R. 2016. The drivers of tree cover expansion: global, tropical, temperate zone analyses. Land Use Policy 58:502-513. (IF 2.8 / 3.3)


Sloan, S., Gooseman, M., Laurance, M. 2016. Tropical forest regeneration following land abandonment is driven by primary rainforest distribution in an old pastoral region. Landscape Ecology. 31(3):601-618.  (IF 3.6 / 3.9)


Laurance, W.F., Sloan, S., Weng, L. Sayer, J.A. 2015. Estimating the environmental costs of Africa’s massive ‘development corridors’. Current Biology. 24(24):3202-3208.  (IF 9.6 / 10.1)


Sloan, S. and Sayer, J. 2015. Forest Resources Assessment of 2015 shows positive global trends but forest loss and degradation persist in poor tropical countries. Forest Ecology and Management. Special Issue: The 2015 FAO Forest Resource Assessment. 352: 134-145.   (IF 2.7 / 3.2)


Sloan, S. 2015. The development-driven forest transition and its utility for REDD+. Ecological Economics. 116(Aug): 1-11.   (IF 2.7 / 3.9)


Laurance, W.F., Clements, R., Sloan, S., O’Connell, C., Mueller, N., Gooseman, M., Venter, O., Edwards, D.P., Phalan, B., Balmford, A., Van der Ree, R., Burgues, A.I. 2014 A global strategy for road building. Nature 513(7517): 229-232.   (IF 41.5 / 41.3)


Gaveau, D.L.A., Salim, A., Hergoualch, K., Locatelli, B., Sloan, S., Defries, R.., Molidenam E., Husnayaem, Marlier, M., Nasi, R., Verchot, L., Murdiyarso, D., Holmgren, P., Sheil, D.  2014 Major atmospheric emissions from peat fires in Southeast Asia during non-drought years: evidence from the 2013 Sumatran fires. Scientific Reports 4(Article No. 6112): 1-7.   (IF 5.6 / 5.6)


Sloan, S., Jenkins, C., Joppa, L., Gaveau, D.L.A., Laurance, W.F. Remaining natural vegetation in the global biodiversity hotspots. 2014 Biological Conservation 117(Sept.): 12-24.   (IF 3.8 / 4.7)


* Edwards, F., Edwards, D.P., Sloan, S., Hamer, K. 2014 Sustainable management in crop monocultures: the impact of retaining forest on oil palm yield. PloS One 9(3): e91695.   (IF 3.2 / 3.7)


* Edwards, D.P., Sloan, S. Weng, L., Sayer, J., Dirks, P., Laurance W.F. 2014 Mining and the African environment. Conservation Letters 7(3): 302-311.   (IF 7.2 / 6.4)


Linkie, M., Sloan, S., Kasia, R., Kiswayadi, D., Azmi, W. 2014 Breaking the vicious circle of illegal logging in Indonesia. Conservation Biology 28(4): 1023-1033.   (IF 4.2 / 5.2)


Sloan, S. 2014 Indonesia’s moratorium on new forest licenses: an update. Land Use Policy 38(May): 37-40.   (IF 2.6 / 3.1)


Gaveau, D.L.A., Sloan, S., Molidena, M., Husnayanem, Wijaya, A., Ancrenaz, M., Nasi, R., Wielaard, N., Meijaard, E. 2014 Four decades of forest persistence, loss and clearance in Borneo. PLoS One 9(7):  e101654.   (IF 3.2 / 3.7)


Sloan, S. 2014. A dynamic landscape of forest regeneration in a deforesting frontier: harmony and independence amongst agents of forest-cover change. In Bouza, C. (ed.) Deforestation: Conservation Policies, Economic Implications and Environmental Impact. Nova Publishers, New York, pp. 153-183. (Peer-reviewed chapter). 


Gaveau, D.P., Kshatiyam, M., Shield, D., Sloan, S. Wijaya, A., Wich, S., Ancrenaz, M., Hansen, M., Broich, M., Molidena, E., Guariguata, M., Pacheco, P., Potapov, P., Turubanova, S., Meijaard, E 2013 Reconciling logging and forest conservation in Indonesian Borneo. PLoS One. 8(8): e69887.   (IF 3.2 / 3.7)


* Wijedasa, L., Sloan, S., Michelakis, D.G., Clements, R. 2012 Overcoming limitations with Landsat imagery for mapping of peat swamp forest in Sundaland. Remote Sensing 4(9): 2595-2618.   (IF 3.2 / 3.3)


Laurance, W.F., Carolina Useche, D., Rendiero, J., Kalka, M., Bradshaw, C.J.A., Sloan, S. Laurance, S., Campbell, M. et al.  2012 Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical protected areas. Nature 290(489): 290-294.   (IF 41.5 / 41.3)


Garcia-Ulloa, J., Sloan, S., Pacheco, P., Ghazoul, J., and Koh, L. 2012 Lowering environmental costs of oil-palm expansion in Colombia. Conservation Letters 5(5): 366-375.   (IF 7.2 / 6.4)


Sloan, S., Edwards D.P.; Laurance, W.F. 2012 Does Indonesia’s REDD+ moratorium on new concessions spare imminently-threatened forests? Conservation Letters 5(3): 222-231.   (IF 7.2 / 6.4)


Sloan, S. 2012. Historical tropical successional forest cover observed with Landsat MSS satellite imagery. The International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(24): 7902-7935.   (IF 1.7 / 1.9)


Sloan, S. and Pelletier, J.  2012 How accurately may we project forest-cover change: a validation of a projected forest baseline for REDD+. Global Environmental Change 22(2): 440-453.   (IF 5.1 / 7.8)


Sloan, S. and Stork, N. 2010. Geography and Indonesian oil-palm expansion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America. 10(1073): 2026107 (NB. Reviewed and accepted by multiple editors).   (IF 9.7 / 10.6)


Stork, N.E., Coddington, J.A., Colwell, R.K., Chazdon, R.L., Dick, C.W., Peres, C.A., Sloan, S, and Willis, K. 2009 Vulnerability and resilience of tropical forest species to land-use change: an historical and multi-taxon synthesis. Conservation Biology. 23(6): 1438-1447.   (IF 4.2 / 5.2)


Oestreicher, J., Sloan, S., Ruiz, M.C., Benessaiah, K., Turner, K., Pelletier, J., Guay, B. Clark, K.E., Roche, D., Meiners, M., and Potvin, C. 2009 Avoiding deforestation in Panamanian protected areas: an analysis of protection effectiveness and implications for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.  Global Environmental Change 19(2): 279-291.   (IF 5.1 / 7.8)


Sloan, S. 2008 Reforestation amidst deforestation simultaneity and succession. Global Environmental Change 18(3): 425-441.   (IF 5.1 / 7.8)


Sloan, S., Dodson, J. and Sipe, N. 2008 Assessing the impact of rising petroleum prices on agricultural production in rural and regional Australia Queensland Planner. 48(4): 37-40.  


Sloan, S. 2008 GPS Principles and Applications (book review). Journal of Spatial Science. 53(2): 194. (NB. reviewed and accepted by two editors familiar with the book).


Sloan, S. 2007 Fewer people may not mean more forest in Latin American forest frontiers. Biotropica 39(4): 443-446.   (IF 2.1 / 2.5)


Sloan, S. 2005 You can only do that ‘outside the village’: spatiality and the accumulation of agricultural land in Nairukuruku, Naitasiri, Fiji. The Journal of Pacific Studies 28(2): 246-268.


* Collaboration with graduate student.

∞ Co-lead and corresponding author (where not first author)

Peer Reviewed
Book Chapters
Other Publications
Peer-Reviewed Forthcoming

Bibliometric Links


Dodson, J.; Sipe, N.; Rickson, R; Sloan, S. 2009 Energy security, agriculture and food. In Lawrence, G., Lyons, K., and Wallington, T. (eds.) Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainability. Earthscan, London, pp. 97-114.  

* Wijedasa, L., Sloan, S. et al. In Press. Denial of long-term issues with agriculture on tropical peatlands will have devastating consequences. Global Change Biology.


* Collaboration with graduate student.

Sloan, S., Locatelli, B. Wooster, M and Gaveau, D. Fire activity in Borneo driven by land conversion and drought: Spatial and temporal dynamics over 1982-2010. Forthcoming in Global Environmental Change.

© 2017 by SEAN SLOAN. Updated April 2017

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